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Gracefully handle errors in Rails 7

Rails 7 includes a new error reporting pattern.

The new pattern introduces decoupled error handlers whilst reducing repetitious boilerplate code.

Handle your errors in one simple clean line of code. Let’s see how.


  • Writing code to request a quote from an external JSON API
  • When the API request fails, we want to:
    1. Log the error
    2. Report error to Sentry

Example code:

class RequestQuote
  def call(id)
  rescue HTTPFailure => error
    logger.error("Something went wrong: #{error.message}")

  def http_client"") { |f| f.response :raise_error }

Next - create a quote. Write another service object:

class CreateQuote
  def call(quote)"/api/v1/quotes.json", body: quote.to_json)
  rescue HTTPFailure => error
    # This looks familiar...
    logger.error("Something went wrong: #{error.message}")

  def http_client"") { |f| f.response :raise_error }

The problems

1. Reinventing the wheel

The code forces us to make the same decisions over and over again:

  • Do we log errors? Or warnings? Or log nothing?
  • What context do we pass along with the logs? Just the error message? Or more details?
  • What context do we pass along to Sentry?
  • What level of error do we raise in Sentry?

As a result, error handling in Rails codebases tends to be wildly inconsistent.

We either get too much noise in the logs or get too few details when debugging.

2. Difficult to read

This code is noisy. It contains a lot of details we don’t care about.

There’s duplication of logger.error, Sentry.capture_exception.

The code doesn’t tell us concisely what it’s doing.

It has abstractions that are too low level.

3. Tightly coupled

This code is tightly coupled to Sentry and the logger.

Any changes to our error handling cause changes to ripple across the whole codebase.

Examples of changes:

  • Swapping out Sentry for New Relic
  • Adding Rollbar error tracking
  • Adding structured logging with Semantic Logger (has a different interface to Ruby Logger)
  • Adding extra context to all error tracking (e.g. user IDs)

The solution

Rails 7 introduces a new API - Rails.error.

1. Write an error subscriber

class LoggingErrorSubscriber
  def initialize(logger: Rails.logger)
    @logger = logger

  def report(error, handled:, severity:, context:, source: "application")"Something went wrong: #{error.message}")

2. Subscribe to errors

# config/initializers/semantic_logger.rb

# config/initializers/sentry.rb
# Sentry::Rails::ErrorSubscriber comes with Sentry

3. Handle the error

class RequestQuotes
  def call(id)
    # Errors handled in one line - concise and intention revealing
    Rails.error.handle(HTTPFailure) do

  def http_client"") { |f| f.response :raise_error }


Three levels of handling

All examples taken from the edge Rails guides

1. Reporting and swallowing errors with #handle

result = Rails.error.handle do
  1 + '1' # raises TypeError
result # => nil
1 + 1 # This will be executed

Passes severity: :warning to the error subscriber.

2. Reporting and reraising errors with #record

Rails.error.record do
  1 + '1' # raises TypeError
1 + 1 # This won't be executed

Passes severity: :error to the error subscriber.

3. Manually reporting errors with #report

  # code
rescue StandardError => e

Allows a fallback

Perfect for when you want to support the null object pattern if something goes wrong:

result = Rails.error.handle(fallback: -> { 0 }) do
  1 + '1' # raises TypeError
result # => 0

It will accept any object that responds to #call.

Allows context for better debugging

Pass in context: for the error to help with debugging.

This is passed along to the error reporter.

Rails.error.handle(HTTPFailure, context: { user_id: "123456" }) do

Or maybe set global context in some middleware:

class SetUserIdMiddleware
  def call(env)
    Rails.error.set_context(user_id: env.cookies["user_id"])

Every Rails.error.handle called afterwards will include the context.


1. Standardised

Make the decision about how to handle errors once, write the subscriber once, then move on.

2. Decoupled

Want to send errors to a different error reporting platform?

Write a new class that responds to #report, subscribe and now every call to Rails.error will send the error along.

Want to change how logging works?

Change the logging in your error reporter. And it reflects everywhere you use Rails.error.

3. Testable

The error reporter instances are very small Ruby classes, so they’re easy to test.

It’d be very easy to write testing helpers for error reporting, meaning your tests just got easier to write and faster too.

4. Severity levels

The severity is passed to each subscriber and they decide how to report it.

For warnings, we can now log them all as #warn very easily.

5. Great for structured logging

We pass around context and the error subscribers can log this extra detail.

Ideal for tagging log entries with user IDs, transaction IDs or other cross cutting data that provides better debugging.

At BiggerPockets we’ve gone a stage further and created a StructuredError object which stores this context.

6. Cleaner

Rails.error.handle - it doesn’t get much cleaner or obvious than that.


1. More code

As usual, when you find the right abstraction, it’s more code. There are more concepts to understand.

2. Learning curve

As with every new way of doing things, you’ll need to invest some time to learn and remember this new way of error handling.

3. Less obvious

The details are hidden. This is a good thing - we’re encapsulating behaviour.

But as with all abstractions, when you do want to know the details, it can be a bit harder to find.

4. Missing features

We can’t rescue multiple exceptions yet. But this PR, when released will add that.


The Rails team have done an wonderful job of creating a clean, easy to use API that solves a big problem.

You can read more in the Rails Edge guides.

Happy error handling!

By John Gallagher

Photo by David Pupaza on Unsplash