
BiggerPockets product & engineering blog

Checking for Rails schema drift in CircleCI

Schema drifts happen when your local development environment stops matching the production environment. These occur naturally as engineers simultaneously work on modifications that affect the same database entities. For example, if two engineers both write a migration that adds a column to a table, they may end up in a situation where their databases have the columns in different order. This causes problems whenever the two engineers check in subsequent migrations: each of their versions of db/schema.rb are different because the migrations were run in a different order.

Schema drifts can also happen when people make emergency changes to a production schema without backporting those changes into the db/schema.rb file via a migration.

Here at BiggerPockets, we’ve started to run into this problem as the pace of development has picked up. To address this common problem, we wrote and installed a CircleCI configuration that runs a task to compare each PR’s schema against what’s currently checked in to main. If the branch includes a migration, the task loads whatever the main branch’s schema is, runs the branch’s migrations, and then compares the resulting schema to what’s being proposed in the Pull Request. If there’s a difference, the schema has drifted.

Here’s an abbreviated version of the task. Note that it doesn’t include some necessary steps for installing dependencies since that will depend on how you’ve configured your pipeline.

# in .circleci/config.yml
    executor: default-rails-setup
    parallelism: 1
      - clone-repo
      - run:
          name: Checkout the base branch and restore base schema
          command: |
            git fetch origin main
            git checkout main
            git reset --hard origin/main
      - store_artifacts:
          path: db/schema.rb
          destination: schema-main.rb
      - run:
          name: Reload the schema from main
          command: |
            bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load
      - run:
          name: Checkout PR branch
          command: |
            git checkout $CIRCLE_BRANCH
      - store_artifacts:
          path: db/schema.rb
          destination: schema-branch.rb
      - run:
          name: Compare PR schema.rb to migrated schema.rb
          command: |
            mv db/schema.rb db/schema_from_pr.rb
            bundle exec rails db:migrate
            diff -U 3 db/schema_from_pr.rb db/schema.rb
      - store_artifacts:
          path: db/schema.rb
          destination: schema-after-migration.rb

If there are any differences, they’ll be reported via the diff command. This job also generates three artifacts so that the schemas can be compared at the different stages:

  1. The current schema from the main branch (schema-main.rb) before any migrations have been run.
  2. The checked-in schema from the branch (schema-branch.rb).
  3. The schema after running the branch’s migrations against the schema loaded from the main branch (schema-after-migration.rb).

Essentially, the schema-branch.rb and schema-after-migration.rb file need to match, or the schema will start to drift.